Welcome to the Imaginarium. A space to explore the words and games of others, curated for you.

1. imaginary games; 2. a game imagined to exist or created in a fictional work. May become translated into a real experience to better or worse effect.

Fictional Games:

Arc Symphony, from Arc Symphony twine game by Sophia Park and Penelope Evans. 

Procedural Poems: Group A, Group B & Group C - from First Person Scholar's Pseudo Game Jam

Calvinball - from Bill Waterson's comic Calvin and Hobbes

Chardee MacDennis - from the television show It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Cones of Dunshirefrom the television show Parks and Recreation

Quidditch - from J.K. Rowlings' Harry Potter series

The Glass Bead Game - From Hermann Hesse's Das Glasperlenspiel (also known as Magister Ludi). 


A Comprehensive Rule Book to Pop Culture's Fictional Games, Jennifer Lewis, Flavorwire, 2011.